Monday 18 April 2016

K is for Kitchen

Looks like today is another housework day. K is for Kitchen, specifically cleaning the kitchen, which in theory I do every Sunday, but this week I didn't. I could have done it in the evening, but instead I watched that lame film. Tant pis.

As every day, I start by doing my minimum daily wordcount for Camp NaNo. The day stretches ahead, for a wonder without any bites taken out of it, so this is easy and stress-free.

The first break activity is the daily cleaning, which includes the kitchen counters. Although the toaster is put away in a cupboard, toast crumbs have still appeared on the counter. I marvel at this. It is as if evil fairies had come in the night.

After another brief stint I tackle the Sunday list, which chiefly consists of cleaning the kitchen.

It's a short and boring entry today, I'm well aware. But some allowance needs to be made for the exhausting weekend I've just had. I award myself the afternoon off.

Tomorrow will be brought to you by the letter L.

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