Wednesday 28 October 2015

Book review - Just Another Number, by Maggie Young

It takes an enormous amount of courage to disclose one's life to the extent that Young has done in this frank, and sometimes confrontational, memoir. Such courage must be respected even when the means of expressing it do not altogether please.

Young's writing is in general articulate and fluent, and the book was an easy read from that point of view, although use of language was at times careless and the work would have benefited from tighter editing.

I did find parts of the book distasteful. There was, I felt, far more explicit description of sexual activity than was necessary to tell the story, and one could not but gain the impression that this was done deliberately to shock or confront the reader. I found this distasteful, for both reasons. However, the accounts of Navy life in particular were fascinating, and overall I did like the book, although I didn't love it.

Just Another Number is available from AMAZON in both paperback and Kindle formats.

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