Tuesday 27 December 2016

R is for Rom Com - Dating Kosher, by Michaela Greene

Part Rom-Com, part inspirational, this vastly entertaining book follows an almost completely self-absorbed young Jewish Princess through her transition to a functioning adult. I could almost describe it as a coming-of-age story, but as the protagonist is around thirty, that wouldn't fit the commonly accepted paradigm.

Regardless, it's funny as all get-out, and there's not a dull page in it! The dysfuntional family is hilarious, and the protagonist is really relatable, even at her most childishly whiny; she is a rounded character and even at the beginning we see the seeds of a decent human being in her love for her cat. 

Whether you like a tale with a moral and a happy ending, or whether you just enjoy a fun read with lots of laughs, Dating Kosher is guaranteed to appeal. I really found nothing to criticise in it.

You can find Dating Kosher and Ms Greene's other books at AMAZON.

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